
Accessible Living at Blossom Hill: Bariatric & Wheelchair-Accessible Care in Minnesota

At Blossom Hill, we are dedicated to providing bariatric assisted living in Minnesota, ensuring that residents of all abilities have access to comfortable, inclusive, and high-quality care. Our facility is designed with accessibility in mind, specifically for those who require wheelchair-accessible care or bariatric accommodations.

Our specialized accommodations for bariatric and wheelchair residents include:

  • Wide hallways and doorways designed for easy wheelchair navigation, perfect for a wheelchair-accessible care facility.
  • Ramps and lifts throughout the facility, ensuring smooth mobility for all residents, including those in wheelchairs.
  • Bariatric-friendly furniture, such as beds, chairs, and bathroom fixtures, providing the necessary support for bariatric residents.
  • Spacious and accessible bathrooms with safety features that cater to both bariatric and wheelchair needs.
  • Highly trained staff equipped to offer personalized care, especially for bariatric and wheelchair-dependent residents.

At Blossom Hill, we believe that all individuals, regardless of their physical needs, should have access to a bariatric-assisted living community where they can thrive. Whether you need bariatric care or a wheelchair-accessible living space, we are here to ensure your comfort, safety, and dignity.

ADA Accessibility Logo

Our facility complies with ADA accessibility standards, ensuring our commitment to being an inclusive wheelchair-accessible care facility.